11 Remedies to Cure Cabin Fever

While many cities have a ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order, gyms, restaurants, venues, and bars are closed, and even the local parks and beaches are closed because it is for the betterment of humanity. Social distancing is a strategy that is extremely necessary but not always welcomed. What is it that is affecting everyone who has been quarantined for over a month now?

Cabin fever is not a disease, illness, or psychological disorder per se, but it is a real “thing”. Cabin fever manifests after being in isolation in the same building for a long period of time. An example, your home during quarantine or a ‘Stay-at-Home’ Order. People can experience different symptoms but it is all connected to being secluded. The negative emotions and distress associated with it are real.

If the symptoms are serious, just like any other mental health condition, you should reach out to a therapist or other mental health professional.

Flattening the Coronavirus curve is not only to stop the spread of the virus, but it is also important because it will infinitely help the healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. While we are safe in our homes and isolated from others, symptoms are coming about such as restlessness, irritability, food cravings, trouble concentrating, and sleep issues to name a few. There could be numerous reasons for these symptoms for each of us but I have found that cases of cabin fever are running rampant! 

What are some things that people can do to get over their seclusion that is still fit for quarantine? If the symptoms are mild, there are things you can do to overcome it. The list below has 11 ways to help and hopefully cure your cabin fever.

House Plant: Bloom Where You Are Planted
  1. Set Goals: While there is so much extra time on people’s hands, there is a lot of time for doing things that aren’t important. It would be great to set some goals to achieve while you have the time! Did you want to learn a language or how to draw? Use the time wisely to achieve something great.

  2. Establish a Routine: It is easy not to wake up early, stay up later, or not stick with a schedule, but the benefits of keeping a routine are vast. Get up at the same time you used to, get showered, get dressed instead of staying in pj’s, eat meals close to the same time, and keep your body in a natural rhythm.  

  3. Stay Active: With so many fitness professionals offering virtual classes and workouts, apps, and online videos, the possibilities are endless. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout. Take a walk, do a yoga or Qigong video, or get some stretching in to ease some tension. 

  4. Mental Activity & Brain Games: Watching tv and scrolling social media is mindless. They are okay in moderation but continue to work your brain with things like puzzles, board games, books, and activities. 

  5. Mix Up Your Space: Rearrange your furniture or your decorations in your home. Do some work in a different chair or lift the shades on the windows. If you have a lot of space to roam in your home, you may be better off because you can switch rooms, which can change your scenery from what has become the everyday scene. 

  6. Connect with Others: Staying socially connected is important. Face-to-face contact is challenging right now but connecting virtually can help ease the separation. Calling, video chatting, texting, and online communities are a great way to connect. Check in the people you love as they may be feeling the cabin fever as well!

  7. Separate Yourself: If you don’t feel cabin fever, maybe someone you live with does. It is important to protect yourself from this as well. Families and couples need to balance their time of being together and apart. Go to different parts of your home or if one of you wants to watch tv, the other can go read a book or do a different activity.

  8. Eat Healthily: Eating healthy is important because eating a lot of carbs and sugar can make you feel tired and less active. Focus on lean meats, vegetables, and fruit. 

  9. Get Outside: Nature is grounding. Nature soothes the soul. Whether you are taking a walk or sitting to watch the birds and take in the fresh air, it is a great way to boost your mood and step away.

  10. Bring Nature Inside: Buy some flowers or get some succulents for your home. Greenery can help purify the air in your home. They also boost your mood, increase creativity, and spruce up any room!

  11. Gratitude and a Positive Attitude: What are you thankful for? Focus on the blessings and what is going right. The friends you have, the family you love, the roof over your head, the food you’re eating, whatever it is, be grateful for it. Think about what you want to do when all of this blows over. You could plan a trip, plan a fun event or party with friends, or whatever it is that you are missing, the time will come for you to enjoy it even more than you did before.

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