14 Ways to Spend Your Time While Stuck at Home

Stuck at home because of the Coronavirus pandemic? Are you sick or recovering and looking for things to do besides watch tv or be on your phone? Check out the list below for informative, productive, or interactive ideas to spend your time!

With the rise of the spread of the Coronavirus, there are so many reasons to stay home to avoid getting you and your loved ones sick. If it gets worse, we could even transition to a lockdown of sorts as they have done in other countries across the world.

I have created a list of ideas on how you could spend your time to help you out! So many of us are stuck to our phones but there are many other productive and interactive options for us to utilize. From virtual museum tours, to FREE educational courses, to photos of dogs to spark joy, and games, there is surely something on here for you to enjoy!


· The Places That Scare You: This book by Pema Chodron, an American Tibetan Buddhist, is about our ability to handle struggle and uncertainty in our lives. It is a deep and inspiring read by a powerful woman that helps us deal with difficult times and problems that arise.

· A New Earth: Written by Eckhart Tolle, this book is about waking up to your life’s purpose. It is powerful, it is deep, and it can be truly life-changing for many readers! If you don’t like reading, I would also recommend the Oprah and Eckhart Tolle Mini Podcast series that goes over this book, chapter by chapter. It is called A New Earth and can be found on Spotify and iTunes!

· Daring Greatly: This book is by Brené Brown. She empowers so many people and this book is about being courageous in vulnerable times with yourself, with others, and in your career.


· 5 Second Rule: This was gifted to us for Christmas and has also been played on The Ellen Show. It is so fun and the premise of the game is saying your answers before the time runs out. Here is a funny video of Ellen and Will Smith playing! (Disclaimer: the boxed game comes with a spinning timer instead of a buzzer)

· Ruzzle: A fun game to play on your phone that enhances brain function. You have to spell words out in a square of letters. The more words you get, the more points you receive!

· Left, Right, Center: If you have three or more people, this is a fun game to play where you roll the dice and may or may not have to pass your chips to your neighbor (or the pot in the middle). If you’re really wanting to make it interesting, use $1 bills instead of the chips!


· McMillion$: A 6-part Docuseries directed by Mark Wahlberg on HBO about the McDonald’s Monopoly scandal. So thrilling and legitimately left me on the edge of my seat after every episode!

· Knives Out: I am a big fan of Daniel Craig! Any other James Bond fans out there? It is a movie about a murder mystery that made me laugh A LOT! It is currently on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.

· Additional Netflix Suggestions: This is at the time of posting but here are some of my favorites to really live out “Netflix and Chill.” They are Step Brothers, Inglorious Bastards, The Call To Courage with Brené Brown, Miss Americana (the Taylor Swift Documentary), and The Gamechangers.


· MIT Opencourseware Classes: One of the greatest schools in the country, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), posts a lot of their classes online for FREE. Pretty crazy right? Looking for information and insight, this is a great resource! MIT Opencourseware Classes

· Art eBooks: If there is a type of art you have wanted to learn, there any many resources online for FREE art eBooks. Artable has a great list here of 100 of them!


· Eyebleach on Reddit: This is a great thread of photos that was created to “erase everything you didn’t want to see” on the internet or anywhere prior to viewing it. Lots of dogs, other animals, and awesome people! Reddit: Eyebleach

· NASA Images: If you are into space, these are truly astonishing photos! NASA also has great videos you can watch such as Apollo 13’s views of the moon. NASA Image Galleries

· Virtual Museum Tours: Southern Living posted this article and lists 12 Museums such as the British Museum in London, the Guggenheim Museum in NYC, and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. My aunt shared it with me and if you can’t travel to these places, this is a great option!

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Advice for you and your family during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Advice for you and your family during the Coronavirus Pandemic.