Mindfulness 101

What is Mindfulness anyways?

Mindfulness is the ability to stay in the current moment and be fully present. Paying attention with purpose to your feelings, thoughts, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment.  Mindfulness is observing these things, but also doing it without judgement. Realizing the feelings aren’t good or bad, right or wrong, they just simply are. You notice them but don’t react emotionally to them, neither rehashing the past or imagining the future. Sounds easy right? Fact of the matter is, a lot of people struggle with this in various situations in their lives and are unsure of how to handle it or resolve it. Mindfulness is in all of us but is more readily available to us when we practice it regularly.

What are the BENEFITS of mindfulness?

The benefits of mindfulness are endless. It can help people decrease stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems, as well as physical symptoms such as high-blood pressure and insomnia. Mindfulness can help people have greater balance and acceptance in their life and can help relieve burnout from your life, career, relationships, among other things.

What are some ways to incorporate Mindfulness in everyday life?

You can be mindful anywhere at anytime. In your home, at work, while you’re driving, eating, or doing anything. Focusing is the key! Focus on your task at hand, only doing one thing at a time, and giving it your full attention. It can be something as small as brushing your teeth to something as big as your job. Some easy ideas to use mindfulness are:

  1. In moments of waiting in line or in traffic, tune into yourself. Take a moment to check in  on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

  2. Notice your senses. Admire the trees in bloom on your way to work and savor the tastes of your foods when you eat. 

  3. Listen to the people around you. Pay attention to their conversation, make eye contact, and ask questions.

  4. Embrace nature. Mindfulness is beneficial whenever it is practiced but engaging in your senses outside is especially beneficial.

Is mindfulness the same thing as meditation?

Mindfulness is about being aware and it can be practiced anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. You are focused on the single task at hand with all of your senses, not allowing your mind to wander. Meditation typically refers to a more formal, seated practice. There are many types of meditation such as visualization, mantra, and guided, but mindfulness meditation is when you bring your full mind and attention to one object, without judgement.

Have any tips for taking a moment to yourself?

  1. Begin by breathing in your nose and out your mouth. Long inhales and exhales, relaxing your body and mind.

  2. Pause and focus on your body. Notice any sounds or smells, anything you see or feel. Acknowledge them but don’t judge them.

  3. Focus on the subtle sensations throughout your body. Start with the top of your head and move through your body to your toes noticing any feelings or thoughts that come about. 

  4. Where does it hurt the most? Focus your attention there and spend some time with them, as they are, without judgement.

  5. If your mind wonders, it is okay. Return to your breath and regain focus.

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