[FREE GUIDE] I Am Here to Help YOU


Never in a million years would I have thought at 30 years of age that I would go back to school, but I did and I am unbelievably grateful for it!

In 2018, I found myself so stressed out and unhappy with my life that if I didn't make a change, I wouldn't be living my life to the fullest. I have grown up with the dream for my career to help others and to serve people in a way that transitions their life.  I was constantly searching for new jobs, trying new things, and when I moved back home after jobs in various cities, I started to work for my family business.

It was a great opportunity, a great company, and if I wanted anyone to be my boss, it was my father. A self-made man who taught me so much during my tenure there. The fact is, it wasn't fulfilling my soul. This dream of helping others, as well as other factors, ended up causing me serious health issues. After traveling from doctor to doctor, various tests, and not getting any answers, I went to the Cleveland Clinic in their Functional Medicine Department.

Being diagnosed with severe stress and everything that came along with it, my prescription was to make behavioral and lifestyle changes that I couldn't tackle on my own. My diet, exercising, sleep, and so on. It was ALL out whack and I know I needed help to actually create sustainable change. I was given a health coach by the Cleveland Clinic and she helped me change my life.

This is when I decided I had to share these methods with the world. 

At the time, I was a certified yoga and meditation instructor but that just wasn't cutting it for me personally and professionally. After many discussions with my health coach, we thought my innate desire for helping others, my personal experience with health issues, prior education, among other things, were a great combination of assets to be a health coach.  I went on to enroll in the same program my Cleveland Clinic health coach completed and I am happy to say that I have finished my program and am OPEN FOR BUSINESS!


There are many different aspects of life that play into health but as Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the Strategists and Innovators of Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic says,

" Stress is an epidemic that is responsible for 90% of ALL doctors visits." 

It affected me in every facet of my life and it is affecting so many others. This doesn't mean I have a stress free life. It means that I know how to handle stress and am knowledgeable about what to do when it arises. I am also more aware of what triggers my stress and the things I do to cope with it now are so much healthier. 

Stress isn't the only aspect of health and wellness that I coach, it is the one that affected me the most. I know this journey has been a GAME CHANGER for me and now for so many of my clients, and it's why I put together the Weekly Meal Planner with Meal Suggestions and Smoothie Guide. It is a great way to kickstart your health!

You can download your copy here →

FREE GUIDE: Weekly Meal Planner with Meal Suggestions and Smoothie Guide


Also, if you are interested in my coaching and would like me to answer how I can help you, schedule a Breakthrough Call with me. You are not alone in this journey!
